Big Brother 15's live feeds aren't even 24 hours old, and we've already got boobs to report on....that has to be a record! The great thing about having an all new cast is that they seem to not really be sure how much is seen on camera or how it all works; well as this post proves, they aren't even safe in the darkness because night vision is our friend.
Since the cast was revealed last week one thing has been clear, Amanda was going to be the girl with big (really big) boobs. In one of her interviews she mentioned that she "paid for them," but the size and shape really doesn't come across that way so maybe she was joking. Either way her boobs are humongous, and on the very first night of live feeds this became apparent.
Amanda was in one of the bedrooms with David and Aaryn when she was struggling to figure out how to change clothes discreetly with her giant boobs popping out. Then in a move that gained her major points with us, she figured it was impossible and better to just hold them with her arm and go topless. Now we would've rather she just let them go, but hey it's very early so we'll let it slide. Amanda seems like the type that won't even care after a couple of weeks in the house and will grow tired of trying to creatively hide her tits.
The perv cams have been on their game early on which is usually rare, but with what is being called the hottest cast in Big Brother history, they have a lot of work on their hands. If you want to watch them all live click here for live feed information. Enjoy this little tease of Amanda's giant topless boobs:
what time was this?